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2,096 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
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  1. Abyss - Done - Amiga 64K Intro (50 FPS)
  2. throwback thursdays: yathosho - 78
  3. “destroy dat!” appreciation tweet
  4. #throwbackthursdays "visions five" by zamuz
  5. throwback thursday: onionring of doom - 459 #tbt #winampavs #generativeart
  6. throwback thursday: vanish - unknown preset (drew's vocal test) #tbt #winampavs #generativeart
  7. 👀
    OpenGraph image for
  8. thrownback thursday: skupers - rexregis sx #tbt #winampavs #generativeart
  9. throwback thursday: anotherversion - intermezzo sx #tbt #winampavs #generativeart
  10. throwback thursday: yathosho - mobilee #tbt #winampavs #generativeart
  11. throwback thursday: yathosho - interieur #tbt #winampavs #generativeart
  12. unearthed: the intro for “the full circle” (2001)


  1. Watch with Winamp – taken from British computer magazine pcformat, published in 2003
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. our new website is kinda inspired by the old warp records website
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. unearthed: the intro for “the full circle” (2001)
  4. Abyss - Done - Amiga 64K Intro (50 FPS)
  5. 🚨 npm install -g @visbot/webvsc-cli
    OpenGraph image for
  6. sloooow
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API

I’ve retweeted other tweets 87 times (4.2%)

Most Retweeted

  1. CodePen 8 retweets
  2. desandro 5 retweets
  3. lexaloffle 4 retweets
  4. beesandbombs 4 retweets
  5. nutriot 3 retweets
  6. unconed 3 retweets
  7. winamp 3 retweets
  8. satoshi_aizawa 3 retweets
  9. idleberg 3 retweets
  10. SkyBerron 2 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. lexaloffle 4 retweets
  2. satoshi_aizawa 3 retweets
  3. SkyBerron 2 retweets
  4. bbcmicrobot 2 retweets
  5. GunTurtle 1 retweet
  6. moniquelive 1 retweet
  7. junkiyoshi 1 retweet
  8. lexodden 1 retweet
  9. lorenschmidt 1 retweet
  10. masudaaa 1 retweet

Replies and Mentions

3.2% of my tweets are replies (×67)

Most Replies To

  1. desandro 9 replies
  2. unconed 8 replies
  3. thetmst 4 replies
  4. winamp 2 replies
  5. captbaritone 1 reply

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. poemproducer 1 reply

I’ve sent someone a mention 10 times (0.5%)

13.0% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (162 of 1,248)

100.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (49 of 49)

Top Domains

  1. 889 tweets
  2. 96 tweets
  3. 64 tweets
  4. 22 tweets
  5. 19 tweets
  6. 18 tweets
  7. 11 tweets
  8. 10 tweets
  9. 9 tweets
  10. 9 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 889 tweets
  2. 93 tweets
  3. 64 tweets
  4. 22 tweets
  5. 18 tweets
  6. 10 tweets
  7. 9 tweets
  8. 8 tweets
  9. 8 tweets
  10. 8 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 23 retweets and ❤️ 137 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🎂 used 2 times on 2 tweets
  2. 😉 used 1 times on 1 tweets
  3. 🚨 used 1 times on 1 tweets
  4. 👀 used 1 times on 1 tweets
  5. 🌸 used 1 times on 1 tweets

9 unique emoji on 8 tweets (0.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. avs used 88 times
  2. winamp used 86 times
  3. winampavs used 55 times
  4. tbt used 53 times
  5. generativeart used 35 times

376 hashtags on 376 tweets (18.7% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 6 times
  2. f_ck used 3 times
  3. c_usterfuck used 3 times
  4. v_gina used 1 times
  5. c_ck used 1 times

18 swear words on 18 tweets (0.9% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets