Archive: AVS Editor Window

11th August 2002 17:52 UTC

AVS Editor Window
I downloaded Winamp 3. It works well excepting that, I am unable to close the AVS editor window once I open it. Therefore I am unable to change the fullscreen resolution which is my purpose for opening the AVS editor window. I wanted a 800 X 600 16 BPP resolution for my fullscreen AVS. I am running WinME on a AMD Athlon 1.4 Gig machine with a 8MB shared RAM onboard VGA adapter on a DFI AM33 EC motherboard, 256 MB SDRAM. :cry:

12th August 2002 01:25 UTC

Don't use 16-bit 'cos 32-bit is faster in AVS (because it uses the CPU only). You might have troubles running 800x600 as well, unless you turn on pixel doubling which is the same as using 400x300.

12th August 2002 03:52 UTC

What happens when you try to close the window?

12th August 2002 05:56 UTC

I am having the same problem. Absolute nothing happens when you hit the close box in the upper right hand corner or when you right click on the icon in the upper left and hit "close"...

12th August 2002 11:40 UTC

Try clicking the open editor button on the AVS window, that closes it too.