Archive: second superscope

9th August 2002 11:48 UTC

second superscope
This is my second SSC. When you mess, you get the hang of it(Duh) .

11th August 2002 06:50 UTC

Not bad for a second attempt. There were a few things though. The first on is that you way overdid the n value. I put it down to 200 without any really noticable difference. Remember, the higher the n value, the slower the preset. Second, you never use the r variable. Even if you don't use the code, the SSC still does the caluculations, and that slows things down.

I'm not sure you realize (seeing as you used only r, d, x, and y as variables) that superscopes only use cartesian coordinates (x,y), not polar (r,d). r and d are both made up variables in the superscope.

Keep poking around. It's the only way to learn. It's how I did. :)