Archive: Getting your avs's up.

5th August 2002 16:40 UTC

Getting your avs's up.
ok, i'm lame, i'm stupid, but I need help. How do you get you avs presets up to be downlaoded and stuff. help...

5th August 2002 17:36 UTC

Getting your AVS up..
The first thing you do is click on the "Plugins" tab. Then you click "Submit a Plugin". That should take you to your Resources where you click on "Publish a New Skin or Plugin". Then you fill in the info and in 2 to 3 weeks:mad:, your plugins are on the site

5th August 2002 18:16 UTC

Thanks dude. :D :up:

5th August 2002 20:09 UTC

Well, due to EVERYBODY submitting plugins all the time, the Nullsoft guys have to review them before they go online. So, unlike Deskmod, if something stupid or offensive is submitted, it's never posted.
But I think they shouldn't be as lenient as to what they put on the site...I've seen some really stupid shit, especially in the AVS section.

But...I'm just one person....*sigh*

6th August 2002 02:25 UTC

I agree and understand that they need to review it, and I have also seen some stupid crap on there, but still, wouldnt life be great if you didnt have to wait for your stuff to get on the site?

6th August 2002 04:52 UTC

Rovastar's idea was a good one.

6th August 2002 07:49 UTC

I think one of the problems here is the rating scale... first of all it's too inaccurate, a better scale would be 0-10 or even 0-100. Second, there's the problem that most people seem to think that anything below 5 stars absolutely sucks.

In my opinion, a pack of presets has to earn each star. If it gets 1 star, it means there's at least something that makes it a nice download. If it gets 3 stars, it means you should really view it. 5 stars mean incredibly cool things.

However in the AVS presets section, it's *hard* to get anything below 3 stars. I could just make a few random presets, submit 'em and still get 2 stars.
I can understand that you shouldn't discourage newbies, but it's been shown here that a different method works just as well.
I remember a post a while ago by uNdefiNeD, where he gave a newbie's presets an awful score. Did that newbie mind? No, because he typed up exactly why he didn't like them and what could be done to improve them.
That's tons better than just saying "nice movement, swirly colours, cool layering" and slapping on a couple of stars.

6th August 2002 18:40 UTC

I was just reading this thread, and I noticed you're a Major Dude!!!

Congratulations! :)

6th August 2002 20:54 UTC

hah I hadn't noticed yet! w0000t!

Time for a new avatar...

6th August 2002 21:56 UTC

steven, i like the mr happy avatar

6th August 2002 21:59 UTC

Who is steven?

7th August 2002 03:17 UTC

Originally posted by Nat_roy
Who is steven?
You have a lot to learn...

Steven (Wittens) is UnConeD.

Frank (Nagel) is El-Vis.

Do the rest yourself (or ask others =p)

7th August 2002 03:39 UTC

:up: Congrats UnConeD :up:

8th August 2002 04:37 UTC

nice avatar
LOL! :D Your avatar is just as funny as the original preset! Cool.

Nat_roy: You had an honest question...but it does strike some of the rest of us in the forum as somewhat...humerous. Mainly because Steven Wittens is one of the Kings of AVS. You just know who they are.

Steven=UnConeD=very smart--->insanely cool AVS Presets! You must download everything from him & the other AVS Kings to know what I mean!

BTW: For those of you who didn't notice the thread
I am having trouble coming up with a reason nobody else seems to miss Frank Nagel. He added a lot to AVS. :(

So what's up with all this?!? :mad:

Okay, okay-maybe I overdid this a little bit with the Steven equation---but you get the idea.

9th August 2002 01:11 UTC

We'll all miss any new presets from him, but I never really "spoke"
with him except for once when I needed some help with my starfield. His 3D presets blew my mind. They made me want to try 3D stuff. But now new people will come to the fore, let's see what happens.