Archive: Need help coding

27th July 2002 21:55 UTC

Need help coding
I am an avid AVS maker, and i already have a few packs out (only the best of Roy; only the best of Roy2; Roy3; Roy on the 16) but i do not really know how to code at all. I was wondering if one of our famous and skilled AVS makers out there could email me a little package going over the basics?

28th July 2002 02:51 UTC

Find things out yourself?
Look I'd hate to sound like a prick, but TONS of people come in here asking for tutorials and guides for just about anything. Granted, coding is difficult, but what happened to figuring out things yourself? Doing something wrong in AVS won't make your computer explode. I'm good at coding in AVS now, but that's cause I spent lots of my free time with it.

In any case, writing guides and tutorials is HARD too, yet I get the idea that some people just don't realise this. Believe me: I partially spent my summer student job writing documentation for a product.

There are already tons of resources available in this forum. The FAQ is a great starting point, but don't be afraid to do some searches of your own. If you find an interesting topic or link that wasn't mentioned in the FAQ, post me a message so that it can be added: this is a volunteer-driven community.

PS: This message may sound harsh, but at least I'm honest. You'd start getting irritated too if every week someone came along asking 'how to code cool AVSes'.

31st July 2002 00:20 UTC

Thank you for the reply Unconed. My apologies for posting that. I have been using winamp and have been coming to the site for a long time, but I never used the forums. I did not realize that my question had been answered and after a little poking around found an excellent thread between (well, mostly between) Nic01 and cmountford that taught some fabulous basics.
And I have been using type-away coding for a long time, and I did learn a lot, but I still didnt really know how stuff should actually be used. Thus I started inquiring about it.

Again, thank you for your input.


31st July 2002 08:15 UTC

Mind posting the URL of that 'fabulous thread' so others won't have to search for it? :) (I'll add it to the FAQ)

31st July 2002 09:23 UTC

The "Fabulous Thread" Ye asked for.

It's still going, and it's going to take time til' it reaches ending point...

I'm thinking on making it a thread once it's done... Or at least make a notepad file of it =)

31st July 2002 10:03 UTC

Once we get a few tutorials that are at an acceptable/publishable stage by the authors I will make a sticky thread and/or have a addition to the FAQ with all the best links.

31st July 2002 15:08 UTC

That sounds like an excellent idea :).

just out of curiosity, what is a sticky thread?

31st July 2002 15:27 UTC

See for example

and the thread on top is always the FAQ. That is a sticky thread.:)

28th August 2002 19:31 UTC

Be yourself
Using Tutorials can be nice, but keep in mind, that'll give you just the same style just as everyone else...

First of all it's more fun just to figure out everything yourself, secondary it'll give you a personal style

If you still have no idea what something does, then you can searc for it in tutorial.

Be origional and be a 'color in a gray surrounding'...