Archive: Save avs to CD

19th July 2002 19:39 UTC

Save avs to CD
How do I save visualizations on a CD?? visuals work when send through yahoo messenger:up: , but I can't get them to work :mad: :mad: when i put them on CD. want to save 'case of 'puter crash or need to nuke 'puter.
attaching one visual to see if it works through here (let me know).

:cry: :cry: Guess not, wouldn't let me send:down:

19th July 2002 20:40 UTC

well first of all, the presets as they are called are avs files and is not stand alone files. to make a preset work then just load the file in the avs config window. and yes they will work when they are loaded aff a cd but you have to load every preset in the avs config window

5th August 2002 08:40 UTC

I need help submitting my incredible avs files. I worked hard on the superscopes

5th August 2002 10:50 UTC

Do a search on the forums first, there's been countless people asking this question, and countless people answering it.

Oh and post a new topic for something unrelated rather than messing up an existing one.