19th July 2002 06:45 UTC
need a plugin for mouse/graphiktablet control!
I like to use my mouse to draw objekts etc. :rolleyes:
Archive: mousecontrol
19th July 2002 06:45 UTC
need a plugin for mouse/graphiktablet control!
I like to use my mouse to draw objekts etc. :rolleyes:
22nd July 2002 04:18 UTC
It should work like this:
klick to set the drawing center for some Render and Trans or other Effects (This Feature should be added to Misc)
dig it?!
22nd July 2002 04:26 UTC
Why not just draw a picture, save it as a BMP, then use a render/picture? Or are you talking about changing where the origin is with respoect to the AVS window?
22nd July 2002 10:56 UTC
The idea's popped up already in previous wishlists (search for Mocha). Mocha was a neat AVS-like plug-in (but older, and less advanced) which had mousecontrol, and sometimes people would make really cool presets that you could influence with the mouse.
Having something like this in AVS would kick ass. Imagine a 3D DM that you can look around in, like in a first-person shooter... or controlling the colour of a preset by moving the mouse.
The possibilities are really great.
25th July 2002 02:12 UTC
@Jaheckelsafar: talking about the origin ;)
@UnConeD: yes :up: and w-s-a-d control! (q+e for rotation)
spank the monkey
25th July 2002 08:07 UTC
"wsad" only works for people with QWERTY keyboards... :P
27th July 2002 17:02 UTC
german keb.?
I can switch this with windows, no broblem!
28th July 2002 02:39 UTC
Mine says AZERTY. And what about Dvorak layouts? :)
Winamp wouldn't be the first program that expects people to have QWERTY layouts. Switching in windows is not a good solution.
Not that this stuff is related to AVS anymore... :D
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