Archive: Coding 4 avs

8th July 2002 11:22 UTC

Coding 4 avs
Hey everyone,
Im having some trouble making avs's. With the superscope and ddm, what code do I use? If anyone knows of a site that talks about the code, or knows the code themselves, can they please email me

8th July 2002 15:57 UTC

A simple browse over the forums over the last couple of days and you will see many threads like this

This will help you. Let's hope you find it easier then the complex search procedure of these forums.:rolleyes:

You will never though be able to create superscopes that represent the letters. 'F' , 'A' or 'Q'

8th July 2002 17:50 UTC

What are you talking about, rova? I got my SN and pack name into 3D rotating superscopes...along with an oscilloscope sphere, two VU meters that respond to the treble and bass seperately, and two fading oscilloscopes. Also, each part of the logo rotates ahead of or behind the rest :D

8th July 2002 18:12 UTC

LOL :) :rolleyes: Obviously missed the joke there.


Oh the power of sarcasm.;)


29th July 2002 08:37 UTC

That was a good one Rovastar. Ha-ha

It seems that we have another one in distress. filefly64, you can go to my site (AVS Discussion) and try to find info there. I'm sure you will.:)