Archive: Grid SS

7th July 2002 22:52 UTC

Grid SS
Hey, I've got two questions for ya today.
I've been working on dot-based SSs, and I've got a couple of questions.

1. Is it possible to make a dot grid (like Render/Dot Grid) using a single SS? I'd like to have one in order to change color of dots based upon the osc/spec. I can do it with multiple SSs, but I think a single one would be faster.

2. Is there any way to make the dot size larger?


8th July 2002 14:05 UTC

A dot-grid with a superscope is easy once you stop using 'i'. Use your own counting variables and it should be no problem at all.

As for larger dot size, this isn't possible, but you can use a blur and fast-brightness to make the dots a bit larger.

8th July 2002 15:42 UTC

Some more help
Alright, attached is what I've got so far. I'm still working on the color bit, but aside from that, I'm wondering how to make it always fill the screen with a 10x10 grid, no matter what size the screen is. Can someone give me a hand with that?

9th July 2002 12:20 UTC

Eh?? Currently it's already filling up 1/4th of the AVS window at all resolutions. Simply multiply x and y by 2 and it's now filling up the entire window. Superscopes are already resolution independent.