Archive: moving superscopes randomly

1st July 2002 08:01 UTC

moving superscopes randomly
ive made a preset that is in the shape of an atom, it has 8 electrons orbiting around the edge of it and they only show up on the beat, but they are always in the same position, and even though i have added this in the per frame box: t=t+0.1+(rand(b))/0.5, they all move the same amount aroun their orbitals.

any assistance in this would be greatly appreciated.

1st July 2002 08:10 UTC

Had you searched the forums? I've answered this to another person...

Rand(b)? omg...

Here's the template :

Beat : tx1=rand(401)/1000-0.2;ty1=rand(401)/1000-0.2;
Frame : tx=tx+tx1;ty=ty+ty1;
Pixel : x=(code)+sin(tx);y=(code)+sin(ty);

I think that's all...

1st July 2002 13:04 UTC

i see what you mean but tthats not what i wanted, that moves them randomly all over the place, i need them to continue orbiting in a circle, but at random speeds, and directions.;)

1st July 2002 14:23 UTC

Try this simple method:

beat: q=rand(120)
frame: t=t-0.3*below(q,50)-0.5*above(q,40)*below(q,80)+0.7*above(q,70)

In the example above you will get five different speeds. If q is greater than 70 then the direction will change.

Hope it helps;)

1st July 2002 14:40 UTC

thanks but i figured it out, i just modified a combination of the vibrating worm and vertiacl bouncing scope and now its direction and speed are compleatly random. :D:D:D

but thanks anyway :up:

init n=800;t=0; tq=0.1;wt=1;q=0.5
beat tq=(rand(100)/100)*wt; wt=-wt;q=-q
frame t=t+q*0.9+tq*0.1;ym=cos(t)/1.9;xm=sin(t)/1.9
point r=(t+i*3.14159*4000+v); x=xm+cos(r)/100; y=ym+sin(r)/100;

4th July 2002 12:11 UTC

I could have told you to search the forums or check the FAQ but I figure it's not that hard to type a few words. If you don't want to help someone out just don't write anything, don't start getting all annoyed about it. :mad: Right?

Go to AVS Discussion . Perhaps you'll find some useful info there.:up: