Archive: AVS stuck as wallpaper

8th June 2002 03:43 UTC

AVS stuck as wallpaper
I am relatively new to AVS and I set it as background, now I can't get it off. When ever I start winamp and AVS, it goes to wallpaper, it also does not cycle through different presets. I tried reinstalling winamp, but it didn't help with AVS, how can I kill AVS and start over?

8th June 2002 05:43 UTC

dont need to meh friend ;]~
ok, first.. ima do this step by step for ya so that way you can figure out how you did it and how to stop it.

1st: turn on winamp.. or whatever, just get it brought up...

2nd: start/stop the plugin... if its already loaded ... make sure its the avs.. if no vizualization is loaded, right click the winamp thingy somewherez on it but not on a button or whatever... start/stop the vizualization

3rd: now that avs is loaded.. plz tell me its loaded.. anywayz.. click on settings, its at the top of the avs panel thingy and right next to preset, in the upper lefthand corner of the avs window.

4th: go to the option that is read in the pulldown as "display"

5th: on the right of the avs thingy should be some options and checkmark boxes..

6th: here is where your problem is for the desktop... on the far right of the avs box, ther is a checkbox with a check in it, the option should read overlay mode.... make sure that is not checked.. same with the one below it in taht box...

ok, for the next problem... what was it again?

ohhhh... the presets changing..
you need to have it fullscreened

but to get it to do that.. we will take taht step by step as well

ok, by now your thinking that im making fun of you.. maybe... but im really just trying to help anyone at all that may have this problem and is not very skilled with winamp.


preset randomization

step 1. make sure that you have avs loaded

step 2. click the "settings" button thingy whatever it is mah bobber, and go to "presets/hotkeys"

step 3. you should see the blank pulldown thing on the right side of the avs window, and another checkbox at the bottom with a blank "maybe blank" fill in box.

step 4. check the box, and then right in a number that corresponds with that of your taste in randomization... ie. put ina number, any number.

step 5. fullscreen it, i think the quick-key, hot-key, whatever, is either enter, or space, just make sure you arent playing with superscope or soemthing when you try to use the hotkey.....

step 6. help for 5. click somewhere on the winamp window before you press enter/return, or spacebar.. if not on the winamp window, then click somewhere on the avs window

i hope to god i helped out.. if not, im a dumbass, and i need to be shot.. ty..

god Im a nOob...

8th June 2002 08:16 UTC

Just a note. Presets will not cycle if the editor window is open.