Archive: HOW,WHY,WHERE. someone help!

29th May 2002 23:51 UTC

HOW,WHY,WHERE. someone help!
ok, i'm having a problem with my AVS edditor.
I go to create naw preset and i get 5 options,in the "render" option the very first effect you get is render AVI but the list of AVI streams is empty.
Now would someone please tell me how to fill it up?

thanx for helpin a newbie out.

30th May 2002 00:53 UTC

Just copy your AVI files in your AVS directory, by default it's c:\program files\winamp\plugins\avs ...ET VOILA :)

30th May 2002 03:47 UTC

:( how do i make avi files?
i'm so sorry i'm dumb i need a winamp for dumbies book

30th May 2002 06:57 UTC

Is it a joke ? Do you know what's an AVI file ? :blah: Maybe you just need a 'computering for dumbies' book ;)

30th May 2002 14:58 UTC

What are you wanting to make
There's many different ways to make an avi, so what you're trying to make greatly affects which one is easiest to make. Could you tell me what you had in mind to make?

You're probably not interested in using AVS to capture an AVI file of one of your avs presets (but that's one way to make an avi)

You might be wanting to make an animated graphic into an avi file. In that case, you'll need a frame-by-frame editor such as Sonic Foundry's program called Viscosity. If you're planning on making each frame, I don't recommend trying to create each frame from scratch. I'd recommend making your first frame and then modifying it and saving it as a different image file for every frame. That way you won't run into complications with the position of the object jumping around and annoying stuff like that.

Just say what you have in mind & I'll do my best to direct you in the right direction

30th May 2002 16:43 UTC

Where could i get viscosity?i want to make and animated grphic into and avi.i'm thinkin of a spinny twirly animated logo with snowflakes and winter stuff.
just point me in the right direction and i'lol make a killer plug-in,but i still got alot of learning to do.

30th May 2002 19:31 UTC

It appears they don't make viscosity anymore, but the website you can download some demo video programs is

You'll probably want more programs than just a video editing program (like a high-quality image-editing program to make each frame).

That means you'll have to make each frame separately (but use each previous one for the template to modify for the next frame). You'll either have to download an image of a snowflaake to manipulate different copy & paste & rotatiosn in your editing program. Check some of the other threads in the forum for some other image editing programs. You'll find some in a thread I started called Avatar Compression. Hope that gets you started.

31st May 2002 06:33 UTC

Jasc animation shop does all you need.