24th May 2002 16:32 UTC
AVS Recipe for my Hyperion AVS
Hyperion AVS By Clashman
1 Mirror, with OnBeat Random switching enabled, all modes selected, and Smooth Transitions disabled
1 Movement: Swirl to Center
3 FyrewurX (one red, one green, one blue)
1 Dot Fountain (top: blue, high: green, middle: yellow, low: orange, bottom: red)
1 Simple (Solid, Oscilloscope mode, green)
1 Timescope (blue)
1 5-Color Vibrating Worm SuperScope (red, dark blue, maroon, dark cyan, and dark green - in that order!)
Start with the Movement. Add the red FyrewurX, followed by the blue and green FyrewurX. Mix with the Dot Fountain, then add the Mirror. Set aside.
Collect the TimeScope and SuperScope, and put them on top.
Add your favorite music (I prefer something like The Clash), and enjoy!
Serves as many people as there are WinAmp users. :p