Archive: probably a simple question

24th May 2002 01:32 UTC

probably a simple question
When you are rendering things in avs, how do you make it to where on effect or transition effects one thing and a different one efects another rendering?

For example. I made a particle and a text field. And let's say I want the movement for the particle to be x=x+0.02 and I want the movement for the text to be y=y+0.02 . When I try this I end up getting the two movement commands to both work on the text field. Is this what Effects lists are for? If so, could someone elaborate?


24th May 2002 01:35 UTC

You need to learn how to use Effect Lists. They are basically a preset-in-a-preset. Each effect list has its own internal buffer, and it loops inside itself each frame.

When AVS encounters an Effect list, it puts the current image into the Effect list using the selected Input method (or not when 'Ignore' is selected).
When AVS has finished the Effect list, the result is copied back into the main preset using the selected Output method (or not when 'Ignore' is selected);

24th May 2002 01:44 UTC

Wow, I don't know what is more impressive, the speed of this reply or that you could read my original post with so many typos.

I kind of understand what you are saying. I am enjoying learning how to do stuff with AVS. I have been doing a lot of programming with Macromedia Flash lately involving placing simple objects over and over with trig, so when my brother showed me this plugin I was awed.

Is there a thread or place I can go to to learn more about effects lists and other avs stuff? I checked out the oned in the faq and made the little expanding circle with the superscope that was in one of the suggested threads(I believe with your tute).

Anyway, thanks for the guidance.

24th May 2002 05:29 UTC

I haven't actually read it, but others seemed to think Atmos AVS primer to be quite good.

Here's a thread link.