Xedd Inc
13th May 2002 17:23 UTC
My First AVS Thingies
Well....here it is.
Deceided I should perhaps share the resualts of my hours of boredom with the rest of the world.
Just un-zip this guy to your winamp\plugins\avs dir.
I know they're not the best. In fact, I suck....but feedback is always spiffy none the less.
Xedd Inc
13th May 2002 17:32 UTC
It occured to me that you may need the Abaddon font for a bunch of these to run, I'm honestly not certain, but here's that as well.
Sorry it wasn't included in the original zip, but...I forgot.
It's an absolutly PwN font anyways..
13th May 2002 18:46 UTC
Hey man, you've got some nice stuff here. Some I didn't like, some I did, most fell into the that's nice category where I stick things that are nice but just don't apeal to me for one reason or another. The three that stood out were Dream, Orgasm (sexual version), and Simply Put.
Some of your presets really reminded me of some of the newpics. A few of you scopes look like some of the ones that Marco uses (I know they're not), and some of your movement combinations look like stuff that Justin put together.
Overall, you presets all have a polished look. They look like they're finished, not like you said "Good enough, now what?". If you could animate some of the swirling movements, that might make a few more stand out for me.
Keep it up and all. Any new presets are good.
Xedd Inc
13th May 2002 19:31 UTC
The reason a lot look like Justin's presets is that I did use a couple of his equations (d=atan(d) I especially like, and it is present in quite a few). I believe that should be in the txt I included with the zip, but if not, I'll take this opertunity to give him credit where it is deserved.
It's probably been about 7-8 years since I've done anything even close to as mathmatically complex as this, so it'll be some time before I really get the swing of it.
Back in algebra, they never told me that I could use mathmatics to make trippy sh*t, so...I didn't pay attention as much as I should have:D
I've been having a lot of fun with AVS, though, so as long as I still have the spare time...I'll be putting together quite a few more of these things : )
14th May 2002 05:23 UTC
I did a presentation on AVS
For my Algebra 1 class, groups of two students were allowed to come up with any mathematical-related project. I chose to demonstrate the mathematical application of Winamp Advanced Visualization Studio, and found a partner that learned quite well (well, I had to teach myself, then I made lessons for him. We kind of were in a mad dash to get both of us up to decent superscopes & movements)
Although I couldn't do that project until we had extra time at the end of the year, I still think it was encouraging to some people to give them an insanely cool way to use math-for AVS! I don't think I'll have time tonight to look at your presets (I have a terrible cold-I even have a fever b/c of it--so I'll need my rest to get over it).
--C. Mountford--
14th May 2002 22:39 UTC
I agree with Jaheckelsafar-you've got a lot of nice stuff; but there's a few presets that don't really appeal to me. But that's always a part of AVS packs; some people may not like certain presets while others love them. The ones I liked the most were SpaceraceR, Electric Kool Aid Acid Quiz, Last Trip to Nowhere, Pulsing Thing of Something or Other with Stars & Stuff, WurmZ (The Revenge), Newcleus I, Newcleus III. My favorite out of the Newcleus presets would have to be the Newcleus V. I also liked the effect of the movement in KeleyedaskopE. My favorite superscope preset out of the bunch is šberscopE 4k (I'm aware some of the others may have been more complicated) but it's just my personal preference :)
One suggestion for the Newcleus presets: you might try tinkering with different movement combinations
Overall, I think you did a nice job. :)
--C. Mountford--
Xedd Inc
15th May 2002 18:00 UTC
To be completly honest, there's a few in there that don't appeal to me either :p
Orgasm (subliminal version) was the very first I made (and hasn't changed since, albeit the variations thereof). My personal favourites at the now include the sexual version of the same, Alien Love, DotZ, DreaM, Nightmare I, PseudoseXXy and Sunburster I.
A lot of them, I simply made for fun, where as with others, I had some sort of goal in mind which chances are got sidetracked when I noticed something or other looked rather kewL the way it was.
I do plan to trim down and refine this set some, and I've already started on more as well : )
So here's a preview...
The "Digital Psychosis" one should be entirely black and white, but sometimes loads as grey/silver, and I'm not sure exactly why.
Again, one will require the Abaddon font (because it's my favourite) and also uses the same .bmp included in the above set.