Archive: Question about writing ape's

10th May 2002 04:16 UTC

Question about writing ape's
Hello, I'm a VJ using AVS and am interested in writing some ape's for it. I have programming experience in several Languages including VB, C, and C++, althrough i have some very limited experience in C and C++. ok, now the problem is i have no idea how to go about writing an ape for AVS, i downloaded the tutorial and such, but have been having a hard time getting anywhere else with it, also, i'd like to know what the fastest language would be to write in (C++ i would assume?) so i don't waste any processor time with slow code. any and all help would be appreciated, as would some suggestions for ape's that people may want, although i can't promise anything. Thanks.

10th May 2002 07:07 UTC

Gobiesh and Unconed have both written APEs, they may be willing to help you get started.

10th May 2002 12:18 UTC

APEs programming
you can look for the thread APEs programming to find some tips or you can go directly on one of my webpages to get some sources:
this page is in french, you'll find my APEs and their sources at the bottom...If you have question, please ask them in APEs programming thread...Have fun :)