30th April 2002 00:34 UTC
Dear Santa...
Misc / Set Render Mode:
- Line Width:
Add a "high quality" feature that either draws thickening lines of x length perpendicularly to the originals (instead of vertically and horizontally) or wraps around them x times.
Trans / Dynamic Movement/Distance Modifier:
Fix the bug adds approximately n=n+0.00025 to all points (where n is x, y, r, and/or d).
All render features:
Allow ALL render blend modes, including a minumum blend (currently not available by default).
Trans / Crystalize
This is a bit hard to explain. Given any pixel, render the pixels adjacent to it the same color, but slightly darker, as long as the final color is brighter than the origiginal in that space (not the original pixel that you're drawing off of).
This is essentially the same as putting everything else in an effect list, setting output to maximum blend, and putting a water at the end - except with an ability to chose how fast it fades, and perhaps others.
It would be good if you could specify how far out from the pixel to go, and perhaps the shape of the final crystal (the explanation above would render an octagon). I realize this would probably make it pretty slow, but it would still be good
Trans / Dynamic Color Control
I think this has been covered already, but the description I saw wasn't quite clear.
This would have the ability to control r, g, and b, or h, s, and l in the same way a Dynamic Movement can control x and y or r and d.