29th April 2002 01:53 UTC
DM help pls...
can someone tell me the fundamentals of this confusing thing? DM..:confused: i wanna learn this hole avs language...ive already learned html..php..javascript...and other things that is totally differnt form avs:hang:...so any info will be helpful...Thank U...
29th April 2002 06:55 UTC
It pretty much all comes down to X and Y. Everything else is manipulatig the XY values.
If you don't know what a function does, try using it in a superscope. Look at the curve it produces (eg. x=2*i-1; y=cos(i);). Read up on your algebra and trig. Can't find something in particular, ask and ye shall recieve (with luck).
30th April 2002 03:55 UTC
Thanks imma go an mess wit it...with luck ill get it:D ..thanks again
30th April 2002 06:28 UTC
Bah, I meant the ;) to be ; ) :mad: