Archive: SkyVis 2.0

28th April 2002 15:39 UTC

SkyVis 2.0
This has another 14 presets, and the old 12. Some of the old have been fixed up slightly.

Whirlpool has been renamed to Fuzz.

Landscape is suppost to look like flying towards the moon of an alien planet. the moon looks pretty good in my opinion, but the landscape doenst seem very 3D. (Any advice would be apriciated)

Any c/criticism on the others would be helpful too. I think I may delete the first "simple" one because it isnt that good.

28th April 2002 15:41 UTC

I can't believe i just did that -.-;;;

Heres the file.

29th April 2002 02:45 UTC

imma say that i like 3 of them...the rest ...i dont really like there to simple...the superscope guy is nocking...i like that one...i also like the "outta tupe" and wild...the rest u need to work on...i cant give u any advice because im also a newbie...:rolleyes:

Here my newbie file ...check it out...give me my earned critizm ..:D

2nd May 2002 21:20 UTC

i hate you, lol. Are you a complete noob? (like me) or just a semi noob? cuz most of your presets rock. Alot of my avs's dont look good on certain types of music, so it may have just been your music. Try slower songs on some of them.

3rd May 2002 04:35 UTC

thanks for checking em.. out ive been trying to get people to chceck them out but none of these pro's would reply back...thanks for ur u noe DM ?..cuzzz i sux at it...hahaha...thats where i need my help in...if u can let me get some pointers...:)