Archive: How can i put fit or suitable gif or jpg for my avs or svp?

9th April 2002 04:05 UTC

How can i put fit or suitable gif or jpg for my avs or svp?
I mean that i want to upload suitable gif or jpg for my avs ,not gif of tree or other gif =my :(

9th April 2002 10:24 UTC

What are you trying to do exactly? Upload a picture of a preset you made? Put a picture that's not a tree in a preset?

9th April 2002 12:10 UTC

I want to upload picture of my own avs what can i do?
I want to upload picture of my own avs or svp,what can i do???please help?I mean :when my avs will be publish ,the picture of avs is my own avs .I try to you to underestand what i mean.i hope.(help)???

9th April 2002 16:42 UTC

Use the button labeled "print screen" on your keyboard. This will take a screenshot. If you use alt + printscreen, you'll capture only the active window.

Then, you need to paste this into any graphics program (commonly: edit -> paste), crop off the unnecessary borders and save it. If you don't have a good program, try Paint Shop Pro from Jasc software. You can download a free 30-day trial shareware version from their site (or try another big shareware site like or