26th March 2002 18:19 UTC
Have i learned about DM??
i poste this pack, to ask you, if you think i had made a good job or not. and what you think about the DM's(presets).
Archive: Have i learned about DM??
26th March 2002 18:19 UTC
Have i learned about DM??
i poste this pack, to ask you, if you think i had made a good job or not. and what you think about the DM's(presets).
26th March 2002 22:16 UTC
greatwho, you have defently learned some,
i'll give you a little tip,
you sometimes write
another tip is a simple thing that i figured out after doing it on my calcutatorvariabel
t=t+.1 // t is increasing with 0.1 for every frame
when the variable t is sin:ed it's value goes between -1 & 1,
so what i done is to add the sin(t) with x and
now the the objects goes back and forwards on the screen
27th March 2002 01:04 UTC
Good job... Good job...
From the AVS Screen alone, they seem complicated...
But there's one certain little thing you need to work on :
Try to attract viewers, not give them something they would call, um, uh, "boring"...
Otherwise, good job - though not exactly eye candy :rolleyes: .
P.S. : One of the presets is a nice eye candy. Hopefully, you can figure out which one is it. ;)
27th March 2002 06:01 UTC
Generally not the type of DM I like. They do show an understanding of DMs and the math required to use them though. :)
I tend to like swirly stuff that shows a lot of movement. Little movement (sp?) and linear movement do much for me. They aren't as absorbing.
So :up: for understanding, :down: 'cause it's not my style.
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