13th March 2002 10:01 UTC
AVS Tutorials
I'm rather tired of getting the same e-mails over and over, so I compiled a list of AVS Tutorials that I wrote on this forum. Feel free to post guides/interesting threads that you know.
http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?threadid=77433 (What math is required?)
http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?threadid=61119 (SuperScope explanation)
http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?threadid=64660 (Short thread about the Dynamic Movement)
http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?threadid=68527 (About variables in SScope and DynMov, also explains why the DM might be doing the opposite of what you want it to do)
http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?threadid=66395 (About 3D SuperScopes and the relationship between mathematical equations and AVS expressions)
http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?threadid=61847 (Explains basic trigonometry)
http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?threadid=74143 (Comments in AVS-code)
13th March 2002 12:14 UTC
Why don't you take 'em all and publish them on acko.net?? Or even better, create a library where all can add tips & tricks of avs.
13th March 2002 14:04 UTC
Another tutorial
One of my avs friends is also making a avs tutorial. If you're interested I let you know when avs tutorial is ready..
13th March 2002 16:32 UTC
Well I'm going to convert Acko into a ****** (cool content management system I develop on). That'll allow neat things like a MySQL database, user accounts, etc. I could turn it into an AVS site really that allows anyone to upload presets. Will take some work to get avs specific ****** modules done, but not too hard.
I've also written some more APEs which I use in Whacko AVS IV... they'll be released together on Acko in a few weeks :)
13th March 2002 20:13 UTC
Whacko IV?
:: Drools over keyboard :: :D
14th March 2002 09:27 UTC
Originally posted by UnConeD
Well I've also written some more APEs...
I never get along with the ape-stuff. Could you give me some hints how to create them using delphi??
14th March 2002 10:33 UTC
Because I really don't know Delphi (only C++) I can't really help you. I know there is a Delphi Visualisation SDK for Winamp, but not for APEs. You best bet is to try to port the APE SDK into Delphi (an APE is a regular DLL that is renamed). The Visualisation SDK won't be of much help, because APE's use C++ objects, while vis plugins use regular C function calls.
You can get the C++ APE Sdk by clicking the "Develop" tab and visiting the AVS section. Note that AVS is sometimes called 'WVS' too.
14th March 2002 10:37 UTC
Official Guides
Here are the two official AVS guides.
This one explains the Superscope variables and the AVS language.
This one expains how to make a preset, and also how to use Effect Lists.
14th March 2002 10:49 UTC
already downloaded all that stuff, but it seems that delphi is too diffrent from c, for instance in handling handles (funny expression)