15th February 2002 20:04 UTC
AVS freezing up solution
I don't know if this has happened to anybody else, but I think it's likely that it has. Anyway-if you're in AVS with a preset open & you either corrupt it (because of a bad equation in superscope), or you accidentally delete it, AVS will freeze up. Every time you try to start AVS, it automatically defaults to the last plugin open.
This is great-unless it can't locate the file. Anyway, I was giving a presentation on AVS for a high-school math project, and I accidentally deleted a duplicate preset I'd made-so AVS wouldn't work. I needed to finish my project, but I needed AVS to be working to be able to finish going through my presets & selecting my favorites. I'd been using a Zip disk to save & open my presets from (and to play music from), and I *needed* to use the Zip drive because I'd be working on a different computer for the presentation.
The defaulting to a certain plugin keeps a log of what plugin was opened from a certain directory. You can't fool it by trying to switch directories; so the zip drive couldn't be used without directly solving the source-the log file that Winamp uses to determine what the last preset you had open for the directory you currently are using in the Winamp plug-in preferences window-and thus determines what
The conclusion I reached was that if I could replace the old corrupted log file that Winamp had been using with the one that it uses the first time you install Winamp, it would solve the problem - and it did-the file is found under C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\vis_avs.dat