Archive: New Demiurgy Fractals

6th February 2002 08:59 UTC

New Demiurgy Fractals
Since not many people seem to be posting up presets to the board anymore, I'll help get the ball rolling again by posting up some of my own.

Here are a couple more Demiurgy Fractal remixes. These two are nothing like the originals and I would think they go best with less beat intensive music. I would like to post a picture of them up with the post, but you really have to see them to get the feel. Let me know what you think. :D

Seeing that the Demiurgy Fractal seems to be infinitely remixable (notice that these two are remix numbers 17 and 20), I've decided to release 10 new ones with every pack. These two will be released with my third pack "Transendence to Demiurgy".

On a side note, my second pack "Closer to Demiurgy" should be out in a week or two so be on the lookout (not that I won't let everyone know when it drops :)).

7th February 2002 09:42 UTC

Do u wanna get some Prestets??

I downloaded the two Remixes - nice lookin'! However, i decided to make a remix of ya remix of DF17(Dark Solitude). In fact, i only kept that very usefull Dynamic Movement, added a scope and some Stuff out of my own Movement-Stuff... The result is completely different and very close to my personal AVS style and works with fast hard beats as well as with some Chillout tracks. Just download it and watch it yourself. There is another Preset in the Zip-File, one of my Holographic 3D sets. The realistic effect is caused by combining Dynamic Distance Modifier and Dynamic Movement. Look's really amazing!

7th February 2002 16:10 UTC

i created a remix of the first demiurgy (what does it mean actually?)
fractal and here ya go solamon

7th February 2002 16:47 UTC

Pretty Cool
A little Slow, in my PC. But the prest is very nice ! really like it ;)

7th February 2002 18:57 UTC

Thanks for the remixes guys! :) Although none of them really resembled the original fractal they all looked pretty cool. Feel free to release your remixes in your own pack if you wish. It's nice finally getting some feedback around here. Seems this really isn't too much a place to release presets anymore. :(

8th February 2002 11:56 UTC

I'm sorry if i'll let you down but i won't post up any more Presets. As i use them for Video Projection on large Party's, i made it a personal rule only to use my own presets to keep my set a bit uniquely. But this surely can't work if i post up my whole collection of 150 Presets, because evryone could download it. It is not so much the fact of anyone 'stealing' my Presets and claiming them to be his own work, but i want to avoid a scene like some guys coming over to me at a party, say "oh, i know that, have you downloaded it too from!".

Anyway are you interested in a Programm that creates Presets of your Hotkey-Set?? I'm just about creating one, send me your ideas what it should contain...

Greetz, Magic