Archive: What do you people think of my new avs'?

29th January 2002 22:36 UTC

What do you people think of my new avs'?
These are my first avs' so dont be expecting anything too insane just yet. anyways, download them and tell me what you think... :igor:

29th January 2002 22:37 UTC

--> AVS discussion

/me downloads anyways

dotland is cool (love the spherical dot effect!) but needs to react to the beat more
elessdee gave me a seizure :rolleyes: and made my display skip around...
speed looks kinda like something I did, but never published... it's neat.
wavewarp would look REALLY awesome if the m.p.'s moved TOWARDS the screen, against the background. But that's a big drain on FPS.
zebramind... could use some more effects (on-beat quick bright?)
zoom... kinda cool, but could use some more contrast.

30th January 2002 00:18 UTC

Very nice! Although I have seen some of the effects before, I really liked Dotland and Elesee (very intense). They're both very unique and original. You will definatly go very far if you continue to create. :)

30th January 2002 05:22 UTC

that's the spirit! lol

ive only been in AVS artistry for a month now, and I have already submitted my first 10 pack to WinAmp!

I hope I just get a 3 stars or better, that way I will be "established" in the AVS society....

keep up the good work!

you can do it!

31st January 2002 08:19 UTC

ive trried
ive tried a few times already to publish my avs' on the actual site but it never seems to work for me. glad you like them anyways :igor: