Archive: Question for UnConed

29th January 2002 19:44 UTC

Question for UnConed
Hey i was wondering if i could use your split screen technique in an avs im making....i will give the proper credit and let you see it and approve first.....just let me know and ill post it for you....thanks in advance:)

30th January 2002 14:54 UTC

Err sure... but the example preset I posted wasn't very good because it generated the white/black mask realtime. You could just as well use a simple bitmap which I think would be faster (a 1x2 pixel bitmap). You also need some basic understanding of coordinate systems (polar vs rectangular) to create presets that won't look squashed when squashed :) (unless you don't squash the screen, but rather cut off the left/right or top/bottom edges).

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2nd February 2002 04:36 UTC

sorry it took so long my computer has been really screwed up....anyways here it is....i know its really light and kinda funky gray but i oh well i dont feel like messing with it anymore...well hope ya like it....see ya......and i know its slow but it cant be helped so deal with it....later