22nd January 2002 23:47 UTC
Help me find an old AVS visual effect
There was one preset packaged with some 2.x version that I
lost when I upgraded my computer and didn't come with later versions.
the effect is rather boring, simple, B&W/grey. It was a sphere or two (of planets/moons?) that change direction and size with the beat.. that are caged by some other effects around them. Does anyone know how.where I can find such effect? I've search and downloaded few AVS presets but had no luck finding it. To make things worse, I haven't a memory trace of what it was called..
Help greatly appreciated.
Upuaut. :igor:
23rd January 2002 03:27 UTC
The file should be in here
if not give me a better idea of what you want but like I say I think this is it
24th January 2002 00:56 UTC
Thanks for the response.
I've followed that thread and downloaded/installed the file. But I'm unable to see them as new installed effects (if they're supposed to!!)
So, thwy might be what I'm looking for, but I can't verify that.
Forgive my ignorance in this matter. Your help is appreciated.
24th January 2002 02:33 UTC
In your avs directory you should have the following extra files
now if these are not here use the zip file below which will have them in it and make sure you unzip them to the avs directory
C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\avs
hope this is what you are after
ps I'd like to see some of your work in the future :)
24th January 2002 02:46 UTC
Not sure
hey i dunno if im right or not but i think what he want is an actual avs preset....here is how i understand it......he wants a preset that came packed with winamp such as justin or lones....but its one from an old winamp and i have no idea how you would get it because most people have the new version sooooo i have no sugjestions on how to get it.....but anyway thats what i think he wants......see ya
25th January 2002 03:24 UTC
You could try downloading old Winamps at www.winampheaven.da.ru. Hey, long solution, but it'll work. Eventually...