Archive: The Demiurgy Fractel

22nd January 2002 18:51 UTC

The Demiurgy Fractel
Check this out. This is the best kelidescope like visual I have ever made.


22nd January 2002 19:12 UTC

HOW THE F****?!

sola, gimme more of this stuff!! Damn good shit!

Just one thing: The 'Colouring' fx-list consumes a lot resources...if I deactivate it, i got ~25 fps, if not, ~18 fps. -> Maybe another Colouring method ?

/me wants more!

22nd January 2002 19:45 UTC

I know, it's a shame it takes up alot of resourses, :( but the secret to getting it working is in the effect list. :) If you absolutely have to turn something off to get it running good, shut down the bump. It is the least important of the essential effects. This is a pretty easy preset to remix. If anyone wants to remix it, feel free to. But remember that I might want to release it with my new pack.

22nd January 2002 20:03 UTC

Here's one of my remixes, Clang.

22nd January 2002 20:13 UTC

I did two remixes:

Speed Remix -> bump fx deleted
Mini Remix -> A tiny remix (including speedup) which makes the preset
less nervous and more suitable for slower music styles like chillout etc...

But the Original is still the best one! :D

edit: I wrote this post before you posted yours :weird:

22nd January 2002 20:23 UTC

Demiurgy Fractal 4 (Eye of Vengenece Remix)
:up: also very cool!

but it tends to 'flash' around when playing a quiet part.

22nd January 2002 23:13 UTC

dude thats awesome :up: :up: :up: I give it 3 thumbs up

22nd January 2002 23:23 UTC

Two Remixes
Okay, I have two remixes. One is only good for ambient music, such as Final Fantasy music, or something of that nature.

The other is a regular AVS, which looks goods to beat reaction.

NOTE: The "beautiful" preset will not look nearly as good if you play it with regular music. Download a midi file, or just run the AVS by itself.

It is beautiful, though, if played the correct way.

Tell me what you think of both presets.


P.S. I'll be including the music file you can listen to first, called Aerith's Song.....then in the next post, I'll post "Beautiful", and in the third and final post, the "Rainbow Tunnel" AVS.

And Solamon.....this preset you made is awesome! And best of all, the remix capabilities are humongous! Very nice work!


22nd January 2002 23:24 UTC

File Two
Here is the "beautiful" preset, which looks good ONLY to ambient music.

22nd January 2002 23:26 UTC

File Three
And, now , the final remix.

Rainbow Tunnel...good for beat enhanced music.

23rd January 2002 05:11 UTC

Two remixes, both much softer than the original:

Crystals - A simple remix.
Melting Reality - More active, but slower. Spins 'n flashes 'n blinks.

Can I put these remixes in my new AVS pack, Chris Cross? After you put out the original, of course.

23rd January 2002 05:35 UTC

Whoops...maybe if I post the remixes you can see them, eh?

23rd January 2002 08:43 UTC

Excellent remixes everybody! :) Everyone can feel free to release their remixes in their own packs so long as they agree to wait for me to get my pack sent off first. I would like to be the first to release a preset based on this technique. Thanks guys. :) My pack should be sent of to WinAmp in about a week. I will be releasing the whole pack here on the forum at the same time so when you see my pack "Closer to Demiurgy" appear, you may release your remixes.

Arron, excellent work again. Especially with Rainbow Tunnel. I notice you have become quite a fan of the colorfade technique. I'm a fan of it as well. It's also really cool that you appreciate Ambient style visuals. Too many people seem to fixate on dance style visuals and that is a shame. I would like to show you another preset I made a while ago called Mutanagen (not a remix of Demiurgy Fractel). It is also for ambient music and uses the colorfade effect. I think you will like it. If you want, let me know and I will post it up to the forum. On a side note, I would say that your presets deviate enough from the core preset to be considered an original so you can release them when you see fit.

Clang, both of your remixes are sweet! By removing the bump the fractal really cooks! Mini remix is my favorite of the two though. I like how the white space focuses out the colors and brings life to them. :up: Check out this remix I made that uses black space to do a similar thing. I call it the Pluton remix.

Atero, yours are amazing! They form a duality. One of them, Crystals, has a bright celestial atmosphere while the other Melting Reality has a very dark, inferal tone to it. Definatly very nice! :) I would like to make one suggestion on Crystals though. I think by adding a medium blur at the very end of the preset, you get a final layer of polishing that seems to complete the visual. Just my two cents, spend it where you like. :)

Check out these two additional remixes I made a while ago. I call the one the pluton remix because I get an underworldly like feeling to it. The other one, celestial zebra is pretty much self explainitary. Tell me what you guys think.

23rd January 2002 20:43 UTC

Wew, took me some time to review all these rmx'es :eek:
But i can't say anything new, sola already said everything :D

sola, the two rmx'es u did -> :up::up::up:
especially the Celestial rmx, it is something ...well, new in the 'Demiurgy Fractal' generation :)
I tried the same like the pluton rmx by myself, but I ran out of time and I don't have enough skill with the 'colorfade' yet. So u did it already, and it looks cool!

24th January 2002 20:40 UTC

I'm glad everyone liked the demiurgy fractal. :) I've got about 8 remixes of it in my new pack, all of them different. Hopefully by the end of the day (6 in the morning) my new pack should be posted.