Archive: winamp 3 avs's

19th January 2002 21:22 UTC

winamp 3 avs's
here are some avs i made for winamp 3, hope u enjoy em!

*note, i posted em elsewere and i will provide linkspack one pack 2

and then some recent ones i made below:

20th January 2002 19:34 UTC

Note that AVS's made in Winamp3 work on Winamp2 since the AVS plugin has only a different skin.

20th January 2002 20:41 UTC

Yep, but for some reason I think the effects work differently in WA 3....I might be wrong tho.

That comet of destruction I made, I made in WinAmp 3.

WinAmp 3 rulez!

I like the interface much better, and it is beginning to get its own look, instead of blending in with Windows.

WA 3 is the next generation of WinAmp!

20th January 2002 20:47 UTC

yea i just relized that avs work in winamp 2 also. did any1 try the out? and how were some of them, i know like 4 are total crap but o well!;)

heres a nother one i made today