Archive: capture the AVS output and save it to an AVI

16th January 2002 19:00 UTC

capture the AVS output and save it to an AVI
I dont know if you already know that but look at this message I found it on Wacko HomePage ""

This is an experimental APE (AVS Plug-in Effect) that allows you to capture the AVS output and save it to an AVI.

Even though you can select any codec you wish, it's advised to save the output as uncompressed video or raw output and compress it later on. Raw output is the fastest, but might produce an avi that is not compatible with some programs. Regular uncompressed video is still pretty fast and a good alternative.


16th January 2002 19:07 UTC

*cheering sound*
boy, there's already a thread eith info 'bout unconed's grabber and times2 grabber