Archive: using bmp`s

16th January 2002 05:02 UTC

using bmp`s
Hi People

basically how do I use my own images
in avs?????????

many thanks

16th January 2002 06:49 UTC

Um... If you spend 5 minutes trying out the diffent things you can add to a preset, you should've found "Render > Picture". Or look at other AVS's and see how they do it. Bitmaps have to be in the AVS directory to work. No other format is supported either.

The next time you want to ask a question, please spend 5 minutes to search for a solution yourself.

When posting, chances are this scenario happens:
- Mmmm can't find it, dang.
- I'll ask the forums!
- Hmmm still no reply...
- Let me try looking some more for it.
- Ah, there it is!
(now people are replying to the thread, which the user won't bother with anymore)

The result is a useless thread that explains things that are unnecessary afterwards.