Archive: 3d Scope 3 Minipack

12th January 2002 11:40 UTC

3d Scope 3 Minipack
Interesting, it got a 3.5 here, and 88 outa 100 on Deskmod.... strange.... And it's NOT a El-vis scope, it's a MODIFIED El-vis scope :rolleyes:.

Oh yeah here's the link:

12th January 2002 12:24 UTC

/me didn't like how the scopecode looked, it's not so symetrical or obvious like one of EL-VIS Scopes, Y'Know Wha'ameen
butt still it's sorta nice

16th January 2002 19:10 UTC

Nop, dont like it :(
Theres very better 3D scopes outthere..!!!
Even I have done better than that !!
The preset, are nice but the superscopes, I dont like thems.
My 3D superscopes

16th January 2002 19:27 UTC

napolean who ya tryin 2 front wait anyway
some of yo shit is pure shit

16th January 2002 21:54 UTC

I didn't even look at your pack, Napoleon, once I realized it changed Winamp settings (Auto-exec vis plugin), I deleted the thing! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Call it subconscious AVSociety flashback.