Archive: "Closer to Demiurgy" sneak peak

4th January 2002 10:26 UTC

"Closer to Demiurgy" sneak peak
Here is a preview of my second pack "Closer to Demiurgy." My first pack "Part Way to Demiurgy" should be out any day now. Damn it takes these reviewers a long time to process stuff. This really gets my panties in a bunch, man!:mad: I have improved so much since I sent out the first pack that I'm not even interested in it anymore!:mad: They really need to do something about this eon long wait. Either way, here are my visualizations. I would be honored to hear what everyone thinks. Remixes are welcome, but only if its cool that I release it with my pack. Of course, I will give credit where credit is due. Enjoy gentlemen. :)

[IMG]c:\solamon moon.gif[/IMG]

4th January 2002 13:13 UTC

first of all, what's up a pack with JUST 3 presets

Gimme Some Mo'.
i did like "flight..." but the others suck
maybe u should ask yo girlfriend 4 help

4th January 2002 18:26 UTC

Now now...LOL
C'mon Montana, don't be so critical. If they suck, just say ya dont like em.

If ya really wanna be a true critic, ya gotta explain WHY ya dont like 'em, not just "they suck".......not gripin at ya man, but I'm just saying, you know?



4th January 2002 19:03 UTC

WHAT!:mad: It's not a "pack" Montana. It's a "peak". Maybe you should go brush up on your english. And Aaron is right, if you are so great that you can afford to down other people maybe you should allow me the rare opportunity to learn from such a "master". So why don't you "Holla at me":) and give me some real critisism.

So what does everyone else think???

4th January 2002 19:11 UTC

BTW: My first pack has finally arrived!!! Go download it!!! NOW! :) Funny, that it should appear no sooner than I should complain about how long it took to come out.

Part Way to Demiurgy

5th January 2002 16:21 UTC

hey, nice
Citadel was neat in how you mixed the dyn shift with the roto blitter.

Ornithopter was not that exciting... I'd suggest smoothing the colors and the 'wings'

Finally, I was quite amazed with the nebula vis.

Hopefully, you will make more...