Archive: Special Message 2 UnConed

2nd January 2002 13:37 UTC

Special Message 2 UnConed
I have a gr8(very gr8)idea of a new preset.
I have made the background,and i need to make the dyn. movement.
If u like to help,reply to the post and i'll tell the idea.

4th January 2002 15:09 UTC

Sorry, but I don't have time to do AVS presets anymore for a while. Besides, I doubt I'm the only one who knows how to handle a dynmov. Why not pass the idea around here and get a collaborative preset going?

4th January 2002 17:19 UTC

What's a dyn?

Dynamic Shift, Dynamic Movement, or what?

4th January 2002 21:12 UTC

Not so smart question
I need a very good 3D Dynamic movement to make a look of
a closed room that has only one way out and when you get out of
it you enter another room:D .Hope u can do it

4th January 2002 21:25 UTC


I'm very new at this, and I dont even know how to change the coordinates to get them the way I want to go.

I dont even know what they mean! LOL.

I need help figuring that out.

What I make is strictly impromptu.

Maybe in the future I can do it.

It might be a few months, though, heheheh.