Archive: Do you like these ?

29th December 2001 19:06 UTC

Do you like these ?
I just wanna know if anyone likes these 3 presets...

So what did you like??
These are not my best presets!

and you dont have to DL these if you dont want to.

30th December 2001 11:30 UTC

some ideas
Looked at your AVSs, and I though I can give a bit of advice. I'd say that your visualizations need more movement in them.

For example, fullscreen uses a dynamic movement, although it's not being dynamic. An easy thing to do is this:
add in a=1 to the init box
add in a=-a to the beat box
then change y=y+0.02; to y=y+0.02*a;
This will make the movement switch directions every beat.

Also, you may be interested in color effects. Add red=red+b to the superscope of that AVS. (b is a special variable, either 1 or 0)

Add on some more stuff and keep on avsing

30th December 2001 11:56 UTC

I know that my presets are very simple and i just dont want to spend several weeks with just working one preset.

1st January 2002 11:14 UTC

Yeah,Know the feeling cause 15minutes is the biggest time I've spend on 1 avs. But let's back in business, your avs works were quite simple but quite good aspecially 'worm hole' was nice.