Archive: Overlay mode

23rd November 2001 20:19 UTC

Overlay mode
Hi guys. I'm a regualr in the Share Your Skin Love so I'm not very knowledgable about AVS (or anything really).

I read about Overlay mode at DevArt. I was wondering how to get this to work on my desktop which is pure black (for this experiment). Are there any performance considerations (min processor?)? Please help. Thanks.

24th November 2001 06:07 UTC

Fancy meetin' you here
Open the AVS editing window (double-click AVS screen) and go to Settings > Display. Look at the right and check "Overlay Mode". Then, either set the color to black or check "Set desktop to color".

I think this is the one feature of AVS that does have something to do with the video card, so as long as yours is decent... heck, my computer at school runs overlay. You'll be able to. :)

24th November 2001 09:00 UTC

Thanks flatmatt. *trundles back off to SYSL where he's better suited*