Archive: Ape?

22nd November 2001 22:47 UTC

How does one create an APE?

24th November 2001 06:37 UTC

I think that there is something in the developer section on the top of the screen there about creating them and maybe even a base code for it all, but that is going out on a line and im not to sure. but give it a try!

24th November 2001 20:26 UTC

Nope. Not to my knowledge. I checked. Nothing. I even clicked WVS. :( Any ideas?

25th November 2001 02:26 UTC

Weird eyes :)
You must have weird eyes...

Click "Develop". Click "WVS" (maybe this should be changed into AVS?). Click "Writing APEs". Tadaaa :)

25th November 2001 13:49 UTC

I'll do that.

/me smacks himself

25th November 2001 18:32 UTC

OK, now I really need help. How do I create the .ape file? I use BloodShed DEV-C++ 4 with the MingW compiler.

25th November 2001 21:46 UTC

It's a DLL
An .ape is actually a renamed .dll. The provided project file is for VC++ only, but it shouldn't be too hard to replicate it for your own IDE/compiler.

26th November 2001 02:46 UTC

Well it is too hard. I need that afxsomething.h

26th November 2001 19:35 UTC

It's afxres.h and it didn't come with the code.

30th November 2001 20:13 UTC

Bah you used Microsoft Foundation Classes... these are wrappers in C++ that provide neat classes as an interface the Win32 API. The downside is that the support files are huge which makes any MFC program bloated.

Bottom line: create a NON-MFC DLL file and you should be just fine. The AVS APE API wasn't made for AVS anyhow.

1st December 2001 21:22 UTC

.... wasn't made for MFC anyhow.

Sorry :)

1st December 2001 22:23 UTC

MFC is the way that Microsoft ensures that any program made with their libraries or whatever is bloated, just like their own software.

2nd December 2001 00:01 UTC

I've decided to pick up a new mini-project... AVSGrabber (as discussed earlier somewhere here): an APE that grabs AVS output and turns it into a neat AVI. I figured it wouldn't take me too much trouble if I used DirectShow for encoding/output, except I don't have the latest copy of VC++ (mine is still 4.x) so I can't use the latest DirectX SDK! Friggin' Microsoft did something to the .lib (library) format so that my linker can't read their new and flashy SDK.

Ah well, I might get the latest VC++ soon, so AVSGrabber shouldn't be too far away :) Could include neato stuff like:

- Grabbing sound as well
- Synchronized song-playing
- ...

Wishful thinking :)

2nd December 2001 13:29 UTC

Awesome. I might get a ferret instead of VC++ 6.0, so if I can teach it to code C++ :D ...wishful thinking.

6th December 2001 02:35 UTC

you could by the same way try to make some video input for avs... like it exist now for AVI files but for live video so we can mix it with the rest...

see to see what could be done with live video...