Archive: dynamic movements AHH!

17th November 2001 21:02 UTC

dynamic movements AHH!
I have a pretty big colection of new presets, and all you crazy avs creaters have these insane dyn. movements with so many variables being defined. where do you come up with them? is there something im missing here? Ive gotten pretty good at making regular movements over the last few weeks, but dyn's seem like a whole other language to me. Is there something anyone can do to help me out with this stuff? is there a list of variables or can someone make one? I think it would benefit all of the n00b creators like myself with getting more advanced. HELP!!

17th November 2001 23:30 UTC

Well, all the normal stuff you would put in the custom movement goes in the "pixel" section. You can use any letter or series of letters as a variable as long as it doesn't already have a meaning. "init" are values set when the preset opens, such as "monkey=1". "frame" are variable changes that occur each frame, such as "monkey=monkey+.1". "beat" are variable changes that happen once when there's a beat, such as "monkey=rand(5)".

19th November 2001 20:48 UTC

Flat matt thanks, but i was wondering, you mentioned things that don't already exist, but what are they? thats what i wanted to know.

20th November 2001 00:20 UTC

frame, init, pixel, and beat already exist. "monkey" is just a variable he was using as an example.

21st November 2001 00:03 UTC

all that letters are only
strings. a string is a group of chars.
chars like "a,b,3,9,#,&,Y, ,0,+,*,."
so you may use your hown "strings" and create vars.
Iott all chars are valid to declare vars.!