Archive: latest AVS's

8th November 2001 03:41 UTC

latest AVS's
hey, finally got off my ass and made some nice AVS's (I hope). Let me know what you think.
<edit>Would post a screenshot but TRIPOD WON'T LET ME!!!!</edit>

8th November 2001 18:50 UTC

no link?

tripod can be a pain sometimes :)

11th November 2001 20:48 UTC

here's the ZIP

13th November 2001 01:10 UTC

In my opinion, I'd say your presets are simple, but they do still look good.

When I saw hypnosis, I was going to suggest more color control by a per point basis (in the superscope), but I found that you already know how to do so, after I saw purdy colors.

I find that the zoom/tunneling based presets are the easiest, yet also one of the best genre of effects to look at.

I tweaked your movement to:

bonus: r=r+0.1*sin(d*1.5-0.5) looks neat

The order that the movement and the superscope are in on the list also changes things; where having the movement after the superscope gives it a less pixelated look.

I wouldn't call my presets anti-simplistic; I've seen some that delused my p3 933 system down to 15 fps at only 320x240. But, no harm in looking, especially when they are mine, eh?

Keep it up.

13th November 2001 02:26 UTC

slim down your page! it's causing my 1 gig problems!