30th October 2001 18:32 UTC
~Please help me to create AVS
I have long admired AVS and am an avid downloader of preset pack. I thought I would create my own and followed advice in here on how to use the editor. The resulst are not bad but are in no way the works of art I've downloaded and use> Could someone please tell me how these superior avs are created please.
Thanks Gary:cool: :cool:
30th October 2001 18:55 UTC
with avs I will tell you how to make a very simply avs preset
load your winamp up
pick a good tune or album, for me its dance
go to options then preferences
find plugins then Visualizations
start it
then winamp AVS editor will open up
now here is the fun
where you see a + sign
click it and you will have a drop down options of fxs
go to Render then pick Text
Now when you do text make sure you have both colours not black, the black turns everything black
anyways say one colour white and the one below say dark blue
and use any style of text size and bold or what every you want
now you see the text at the bottom, type your name
you will see it in the editor inthe colours you have selected
now add the blur fx (example Tran then blur and add how much you want
and lets add say Bump
which is in Tran section also
and add how much you want of the bump fx
this is what you should have selected now in your editor
ok now you can save that for a basic on or add more fxs like say movement in Tran section and pick what ever you feel right
easy enough
if you still need help just ask me and I will try and help more