Archive: shortcuts

16th September 2001 08:44 UTC

Someone knows keybord control shortcuts for AVS, like prev/next or random ?

16th September 2001 15:01 UTC

Y - previous preset
U - last preset
T - Display song title
F - fullsreen framerate display on/off
R - random mode on/off

Note that the random mode will only randomize from the directory selected for it. In the AVS config window go to : Settings, then click on Presets/Hotkeys, here you can also set hotkeys for partiular AVS files, as well as select the Random directory and set tle length toshow presets for while in random mode.

To get to the AVS config, double click on the AVS display window.

There may be more keyboard controls these are just the ones I use..

18th September 2001 16:47 UTC

thanks a lot !!!