Archive: PLugin submission page error..

27th August 2001 23:04 UTC

PLugin submission page error..
On the form to submit plugins, the categories don't load in.. Since you can't pick any categories, it won't let you submit plugins..

Is this a glitch in the form, or something at my end?


I'm using IE 5

28th August 2001 14:58 UTC

Well, i had the same problem, i don't know what i did, but i thought fuck it... I went to check the next day, then they were all back, it's probably just some small bug :/


28th August 2001 20:14 UTC

It is the next day and it still doesn't work :(

I'll just wait I guess!


31st August 2001 01:33 UTC

The error was fixed yesterday..

Thank you..