Archive: Help me please.

8th August 2001 04:40 UTC

Help me please.

Since I have discovered AVS it has made me admire all of the creators of every module/setting that there are available for download.. Also It has made me want to start creating these myself.. I have no trouble with the options that don't require formulas, but the equations are completely greek to me and the help option just isn't enough.. Please guys/girls... Gimme a hand... Mabye soon I will be able to join the ranks of those of you who have blown my mind with your graphic masterpieces. Any info that you have the time to type me up would be greatly appreciated. You can post it here or preferably send it to my email at ->

Thanks so much.

Here is one project: I want to get the bars to dissapear but cause the same effect and make it fly in other directions on the beat change if possible. (I had to rename the AVS file to JPG so I could post it, hope they don't mind)

8th August 2001 08:18 UTC

hey man, the best advice i can give is to just use trial and error. that's what i did for a while on my presets. after i had been messing around for a while i found that i had learned what pretty much everything did and knew how the preset would look upon completion. so just mess around with different equations, changing the equations in other presets, and trying to make your own. you'll be amazed at how quickly you can pick 'em up. good luck...

8th August 2001 17:17 UTC

Thanks for the advice....

Basically trial and error is the way I have been trying to tackle it so far.. But I'm having trouble with Dynamic Movement equations, could someone please explain "D" and "R" and their functions? Also I am wondering if there is a way to hide the unsightly lines in some render functions without losing the effects that they cause in movement??? Laugh... If that makes any sense at all...


8th August 2001 19:31 UTC

Trial by error.
I'm going the trial by error route too.

Although I'm also having some problems with the equations, I've found that studying other's presets and the equations they use has helped a bit..

What I think we really need is a book called "AVS for dummies" although you see, If there was such literature, any old "dummy" could make presets (which is pretty much true anyways) and then we wouldn't be so "special".

As for the lines, I've gotten rid of them in a few presets by zooming in, using either roto blitter or blitter feedback. (they actually usually tendto cause the lines, but onlywhenyou zoom them out too far by myexperience)

Good luck, and If you do find the heavenly AVS for dummies book/webpage/newsletter, be sure to let me know!

8th August 2001 19:42 UTC

I just cant make the lines disappear...

Ok I got do admit, that in the begin I do the same... I make stupid equations and hope have a good result.
"D" is distance If I make "d=sqr(d)" the same than do d=d*d.
It whill produce a zoom efect. you will increase the distance of all the objects in centerof screen.

You may produce a real zoom in all the screen if you do "d=d/8".

R is the rotation var. play a litlle with some basic values of R
like r=r*r; r=r*2; some thing like that...

I dont know If I was a good help but later I will explian U better..

9th August 2001 00:44 UTC

:D ok,
Now I can explain what the R varible does...

If if make "r=r+r" it will draw a 360º and copy the object U render.
"r=r+sin(r)" the rotation will be done in the value of sin of "R" , in the upper..... "r=r+cos(r)" in the lower left corner.
and "r=r+tan(r)" will do the tan function.

make r=r+3.1415926. the PI value is 180º-> it will copy the rendered object in a 180º.

9th August 2001 02:19 UTC


Thanks... Some interesting stuff will come out of that..
And when I up my first pack I'll make sure to put a link in here.

P.S. Keep the info comin guys!!!!

Todays accomplishment:
>> Electrical Nebula <<

9th August 2001 06:42 UTC


You just summed up what I searched the net for for hours.. thank you a thousandfold!

14th August 2001 11:12 UTC

Learn math!!!
Spend a few years as math student in a university and the skills will come. After learning some analytical geometry, it will be easy

14th August 2001 13:59 UTC

No doubt!!!

Unfortunate that I decided to become a patron of the AVS art through an acid trip!!! But I suppose what better a way to enjoy it and create stuff to blow other peoples minds with than to have first hand expierence in the field of trippiness. If you ask me... The math alone is almost as trippy as a tab of double dip california sunshine.... :eek:

>>Oh my god man... Do you see thattt!!<<


14th August 2001 19:32 UTC

Math seem not too interesting for many people, but analytical geometry is really needed for AVS. If you have a look what effects are usually used in cool presets, they will be Superscope, Movement(incl. dynamic) and Bump. All of them include tons of math. So, if you want cool AVS, learn math. Otherwise your limit will be those ton-of-crapy-effects presets

14th August 2001 21:38 UTC

Very sound advice...
First, I was just playing with the pre-made movements and such,

Then I started modifying formulae to see what would happen.

Now, I'm figuring out more and more how to make things do what i want them too, and it's simply the best!

15th August 2001 02:40 UTC

Recommend any reading? Any suggestions otherwise?? I have been playing with the formulas but all I have been getting is unorganized lines and other no-so-good effects, What am I doing wrong?.. I'm still confused about "D" and lets say "I+V" as an example. Also, are there some effect that you just can't meld together, or is that something else that requires a formula? Also there is the beat formulas.. what are they and how do they effect movement? Any response would probably be helpful as the last thing I want is to release a pack that is substandard.


15th August 2001 04:00 UTC

Man dont mix all that shits !!!!!
Dont mix SUPERSCOPE vars and movement deafult vars !

On the movement you have D, R, X, Y.

If U dont understand nothinga about MOVEMENTS dont use dinamic movements yet !
First try to understand Movement!

ok, you got those 4 vars.
D-> Distance
R-> Rotation
X-> is the X coords stay in the "-----" horizontal line
Y-> is the Y coords stay in the " | " vertical line

I've explained something abou D and R to Transfrmr. read it.
just more one thing... do you know what is a ver right ??
cause if you dont, a var
is a String value, ex: "D1" "dd" "fg9" you can give values to that vars.. just do ex: "d=d+a; a= 1+1" it means that Im doing "d=d+2" get it ??
Soon I will release my avs Pack..! download it and check the movements. You can also download a very good pack with good examples of movements... that is Fabrys ->

15th August 2001 19:20 UTC

Thankyou I will......