Archive: Loading sonique vis

28th July 2001 22:15 UTC

on the nullsoft dev page it says avs canload sonique presets, but i cant get it to work, i stick the things in the folder with the rest of the avs files, and they dont show up in the menu, is there some trick to it?

29th July 2001 12:49 UTC

AVS use Sonique and UltraPayer Vis-Plugins as render objest so you need to place tham in WINAMP\PLUGIN\AVS foder then from effect menu of AVS to go to Render and select "SVP_loader". That is. Some of Sonique plugin need once to be started in sonique and to be confugured and then can be used with AVS

29th July 2001 16:35 UTC

There was one Sonique VIS that I had trouble with in Winamp : G-Force!