Archive: I DONT GET IT......

19th July 2001 01:59 UTC

I want to Know, in the superscopes what does the "T", "N", "B", "W", "H" expressions means and How does it work.....
Just one question more, its about the Compiler function, where can I get examples of "GETOSC" and the "GETSPEC" functions ?? and could someone explain me what are that functions for ??

19th July 2001 16:18 UTC

"T","B" are just veribles
but "T" is used in the "per frame" section for movement in your superscopes :D
"N" it used for how meny point are there in the superscope to draw
"W" and "H" are just other thigns that arent really nessary and (for me) doest really work :D

and as for that other question. i dont know, i dont use them so i dont really care for them :D

20th July 2001 00:02 UTC

B is NOT just a variable, B is the beat it turns 1 when there is a beat detected else it's 0.

20th July 2001 14:43 UTC

ok i stand corrected :D

21st July 2001 16:26 UTC

and ......
GETOSC" and the "GETSPEC" functions ??

21st July 2001 16:28 UTC

I still dont get, what the " T " does , and how it works.... :( explain me please...

21st July 2001 16:44 UTC

T is just a variable.
A variable is something that can store a number.
(A value that can vary)

So if you say:
Then 5+t will equal 6.
You can use letters such as T to make your own variables.

21st July 2001 17:02 UTC

something else..
I know "T" is a variable and what a variable is..., but thanks for the help :)

Ex. In superScopes T are not Initialized, So it means T have a Predefined value, aor an existing Value of the Compiler like D and R.
if in the "On beat" I write" ab= ab + 0.1;" it dont Works. but if a Put T = T + 0.1, I can see a Movement in the Scope.

I Know, means D = distance, I can configure that. and I understand what D is and how to work with it.

What, is the T defaul value? with what value is " T " initialized ? and PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE T DOES...

21st July 2001 21:06 UTC

t i just a predefined valible

and the begning value of t is t=0.01 :D

22nd July 2001 00:31 UTC

Yep I gotta agree with Scarface here. :D T is a predefined variable, but it's nothging special. (I haven't checked this completely co son't blame me if I'm wrong) if you don't have a init value for a variable it just starts at 0. T is something special. I don't exactly know what is special about T except that it's counting even when you want it to stop eg. in my morphig scopes. (<= could be wrong code i've used, haven't tested it.) I just use another value for T it doesn't reall matter I usualy use f or fr.

I can't be held liable for all the typ[ing errors I made here cause I'M DRUNK. :kill:

22nd July 2001 00:41 UTC

You have any avs uploaded presets ???, if yes send me the URL ok ... :) and something else KEEP DRUNK !!!!!!! :) :)

22nd July 2001 11:04 UTC

Mrning after :(
Oh don't worry about my drunkness I'll be drunk as hell next 17 days on my vacation hehe ;)
but about my packs I've 3 packs of my own and I'm in all AVSociety's packs. here are the links to my packs 2 of them are really old, but I put the link here anyway so you can see some of my early work too. The "newest" is: ParaNoya - The Next Endeavour. I'll UL my latest to winamp tonight so depending on how fast it's reviewed it'll be online soon :)




22nd July 2001 16:05 UTC

what about mine?

BlurPak 1

BlurPak 2

BlurPak 3

BlurPak 4

BlurPak 5

BlurPak 6

BlurPak 7

and BlurPak 8

i got 5 packs on you ParaNoya, but i have looked at your stuff, there nice though.

well heres a Pak where i had some part in (cus i dont make as much avs's as some people :D) but still i had plenty of part in this pak

and the first and third werent put on so i couldnt give you links for them. :D