Archive: Show effect, but hide rendered object (ie: dot grid)

30th June 2001 01:02 UTC

I've been playing for quite a while here.. trying to figure out an easy (or hard) way to display to hide the original render (like the dot grid), while displaying the effects applied to the object (like 'movement')..

Maybe some combination of buffers and effect lists would allow this??

Anybody accomplished this?


30th June 2001 03:48 UTC

try to tweak around this the effect lists and the rander setting for it

i thikn the some your looking for is something like this:

effect list 1: input ignore output subtractive 1
(effects blended in by effect list 2 or makeing the things in effect list 2 have color (when stuff in effect list two have colored rendered objects and all rendered objects in the second are all white))

effect list 2: input subtractive 2 output replace
(you might have to switch the subtractives to get the disired effect)

good luck :)