26th June 2001 23:40 UTC
I don't know if anyone has noticed, but when you open the pulldown menu in the AVS editor, it produces a weird effect in the AVS. Is there a way I can reproduce this effect?
Archive: Need help replicating an effect...
26th June 2001 23:40 UTC
I don't know if anyone has noticed, but when you open the pulldown menu in the AVS editor, it produces a weird effect in the AVS. Is there a way I can reproduce this effect?
30th June 2001 03:55 UTC
it would help if you could tell us what effect it is first.
30th June 2001 08:44 UTC
the effect thats produced isn't an effect thats in the list. its just that when you open the pull-down menu, if you look at the avs, something new happens. i want to know if theres a way to get this effect without opening the menu.
30th June 2001 20:47 UTC
you mean when your pull down menu is up, and avs isnt really reacting to the music??
1st July 2001 19:20 UTC
Maybe you could use the custom bmp and bump the skip option all the way up, but the wave detectors would still work. Works just the same as when I use a CD. By the way is there a plug-in or anything that'll make the avs respond to my CD's? or do I have to use the custom bmp all the time.
2nd July 2001 03:20 UTC
You mean when the display freezes for a moment? Don't know.
Punkers: try CD Reader, from this site.
3rd July 2001 22:53 UTC
yeah when it kind of freezes and the avs blends really wierd
3rd July 2001 23:32 UTC
And it stops responding to the music? No, don't know how to do that other than making a preset that doesn't respond to music anyway.
4th July 2001 05:17 UTC
Originally posted by flatmatt:) that would be easy. HAVE NOTHING IN IT! :p
And it stops responding to the music? No, don't know how to do that other than making a preset that doesn't respond to music anyway.
9th July 2001 01:20 UTC
Punkers: in the input section of preferences, make sure the 'sampling' tick box is ticked under 'cd/linein' plugin. then make sure your soundcard is set to record from the cd-audio source, same as any other vis plugin.
9th July 2001 14:00 UTC
yeah but what about people who dont need this plugin?
16th July 2001 01:09 UTC
Getting that effect
It seems that when the menu is down, the v variable in the superscope is not updated each frame, but kept at whatever v was on the frame when the menu was pulled down. So attempted a little code (on the superscope) to switch between updating v like normal or keeping v the same:
Init: n=w; t=0
Beat: t=bnot(t)
Per Point:
Every beat t switches between 0 and 1, and the if statement will determine if q is going to be v (normal) or stay the same.
However, on doing this I found that when q is kept the same, it is the same for every point (creating a straight line) rather then when it is v (where v is different for every point).
I suppose there would be a way for a ton of if statements for every i in the per point area (such as:
... then
... etc) but, that would slow down the vis a lot, and be really ugly. Too bad there are not tables (like in C and other codes) to hold variables.
Good luck.
16th July 2001 02:32 UTC
:eek: i can understand it, but its not my code so i dont want to try it out :D
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