Archive: how do i

8th June 2001 10:12 UTC

ok im trying to make a avs that loads in pictures and uses them but i cant get the render picture thing to take a picture the dropbox thing is blank how do i put pictures and stuff in that drop box.<is feeling stupid cause this is prolly something very easy to do and is just missing a button in plain sight or something>

8th June 2001 19:28 UTC

Make sure the picture file is in the avs dir. e.g. 'c:\program files\winamp\plugins\avs' (same dir as fyrewurx.ape file)

Also, I think the picture must be a bitmap. I just tried a gif and jpeg and it didn't work. (Might be me though, try it yourself)

8th June 2001 22:07 UTC

yea i actually like just got it to work and no it doesnt support jpg or gif that was my problem lol.
thank you.