Archive: no mmx for 2.76

8th June 2001 08:32 UTC

is there a place to download winamp 2.76 or 2.75 thats a non mmx version so i can actually look at avs settings? also could some1 explain to me how exactly you would go about making and distrubuting a preset? thanks

9th June 2001 04:12 UTC

1.) go to and download winamp 2.74 (if you haven't already). Install it, then go into the "Plugins" directory and copy the "vis_avs.dll" file to some other folder where you will remember where it is.

2.) Install winamp 2.76, then copy the "vis_avs.dll" you saved earlier into the "Plugins" directory, overwriting the one that is already there. Presets work fine, winamp works fine, AVS works fine. :D

3.) As far as making and distributing presets, double click on the AVS window and the AVS Preset Editor will pop up. You can mix and match different effects from the menu on the left; the effects you have added thus far are on the right. By messing around a little bit, you will figure out how to make them (many of the effects have instructions on how to use them).

4.) As far as distributing AVS Presets, you should use Nullsoft's nsis installer, which you can get from here. Read up on that page (and in the readme that comes with it) to learn how to make a .nsi script. I've made a .nsi script that I use for my AVS preset distribution (Jarsonic AVS), and a copy of that script can be found at the bottom of this thread. Just copy it and paste it into any text editor (like notepad), and customize the names, file paths, etc. to your own preset pack. If you have any more questions or need help with scripting, visit the NSIS forum @ the bottom of the forum page or e-mail me at :D


-- Jarsonic

10th June 2001 04:03 UTC

I use PIMP myself - why use the more complicated NSIS if all you need to do is copy some files and open a readme.txt?

10th June 2001 23:22 UTC

True, I guess...

But, since I'd already taken the time to learn nsis, I thought it would be good to put that knowledge to use. :D

Seriously, though, nsis scripting isn't _that_ much harder to learn than PiMP (though it is true that PiMP is easier). The compression is the nicest part, I think... but PiMP is probably just fine for distributing AVS presets.

-- Jarsonic

15th June 2001 14:22 UTC