Archive: pimping???

3rd June 2001 12:07 UTC

all i want to do is get my avs presets that i created on winamp to see what you guys think of them i dnloaded pimp and i went to the tutorial and it made no sense to me is there a more plain and precise explanation to put my avs creations on here?

3rd June 2001 14:16 UTC

you can download nsis
and use the zip->exe program.

3rd June 2001 15:18 UTC

Your files have to be pimped. So install the Pimp program. Here -

Pimp -
The FAQ -
The Howto -

You then need to create a pimp script file. This is a text file. Looks like this (the bold parts are things that you can change)-

; start lines with ; or # for comments
Name tillmans AVS files
;name displayed during setup
Text This will install tillmans AVS Presets
;text displayed when install program is started
Outfile myavs.exe
;names the file that PIMP will output.
DefaultDir $PROGRAMFILES\Winamp\Plugins\avs\
;tells the directory where PiMP will place the file that is output (best to leave this as it is)
SetOutPath \Tillman
;places the presets into the AVS directory e.g program files\winamp\plugins\avs\tillman
Addfile mypreset.avs
Addfile another preset.avs
;add your avs files to be included in the pimp file here

Save the text above as tillman.psc or whatever and then use the makepimp command -
makepimp tillman.psc

It should then create myave.exe or whatever name you gave in the .psc file. If there is an error read what it says. Or post back here if you don't get it. :)

6th June 2001 01:59 UTC

This is my .nsi script for my avs preset package using nsis. Feel free to modify it for your needs.

; ================================================
; Jarsonic AVS 1.0 Installer Script - v. 1.0
; -=- Build #8 -=-
; Last Build: 6.1.01 11:12 PM
; Updated for NSIS 1.43.
; ================================================

; ==============Command line instructions:============================
!ifdef SPLASH
Function .onInit ; Makes splashscreen: adds ~130k, though.
SetOutPath $TEMP
File /oname=spltmp.dat "C:\program files\nsis\jarsonic_splash.bmp"
File /oname=spltmp.exe "C:\program files\nsis\splash.exe"
ExecWait '"$TEMP\spltmp.exe" 1000 $HWNDPARENT spltmp.dat'
Delete $TEMP\spltmp.exe
Delete $TEMP\spltmp.dat
; ============End command line instructions.==========================

Name "the Jarsonic AVS Preset Package"
Caption " Jarsonic AVS, version 1.0 "
Icon "c:\Progra~1\nsis\pimp icon.ico"
OutFile "c:\Progra~1\NSIS\Completed Installers\jarsonic_avs.exe"
;LicenseText "This will install the Jarsonic AVS Preset Pack. please read license below."
;LicenseData c:\Progra~1\NSIS\avs_license.txt

InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Winamp
DirText "This will install the Jarsonic AVS Package, version 1.0.$\n
Please select your Winamp path below (you will be able to proceed when Winamp is detected):"
AutoCloseWindow true
ShowInstDetails nevershow

SetCompress auto
SetDatablockOptimize on

Function .onVerifyInstDir
IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Winamp.exe Good

Function QueryWinampVisPath ; sets $1 with vis path
StrCpy $1 $INSTDIR\Plugins
ReadINIStr $9 $INSTDIR\winamp.ini Winamp VisDir
StrCmp $9 "" End
IfFileExists $9 0 End
StrCpy $1 $9 ; update dir

SetOverwrite off

Section "Jarsonic AVS"
Call QueryWinampVisPath
SetOutPath $1\AVS\Jarsonic
File "C:\program files\winamp\plugins\avs\Jarsonic\*.avs"

SetOutPath $1\AVS
File "C:\program files\winamp\plugins\avs\fyrewurx.ape"

; ==============Function instructions:================================
Function .onUserAbort
"Abort Jarsonic AVS Preset Pack installation?" \
IDYES NoCancelAbort
; ============End Function instructions.==============================

; eof


NSIS is an evolved version of PiMP. I prefer it because it also adds the capability to compress the files that are added to it. In fact, it cut the size of my installer in halp (compared to the same installer made with PiMP). I also was able to add more features/functions to the installer (see the "Function Instructions" section of my script ;^). NSIS rules.


-- Jarsonic